This file contains the following sections I) INTRODUCTION II) LINUX INSTALLATION III) LINUX DEPENDENCIES IV) WINDOWS INSTALLATION V) WINDOWS DEPENDENCIES VI) UPGRADING VII) COPYRIGHT VIII) NOTE --------------------------------------------------------------------- I) INTRODUCTION The jslideshow project is a Java program with accompanying bash scripts, designed to convert a set of still images into a video. The entire distribution consists of the following files README (this file) gpl.txt (the license) adjustframes (a bash script) assemble (a bash script) audioextract (a bash script) audiotrim (a bash script) checkdependencies (a bash script) crop (a bash script) crossfade (a bash script) pan (a bash script) prep (a bash script) scale (a bash script) smooth (a bash script) still (a bash script) videothumbnail (a bash script) wipe (a bash script) zoom (a bash script) (the GUI) slides2video64x64.png (an icon) CHANGELOG (the changelog) II) LINUX INSTALLATION 1) Unpack Jslideshow#.#.tar.gz into /any/path/you/want/. Compile and run OR Unpack Jslideshow#.#.tar.gz into /any/path/you/want/. Unpack Jslideshow-bytecode#.#.tar.gz, and put the jar file in /any/path/you/want/. Then all you need is a java runtime environment to run the program. For example, the command java -jar /any/path/you/want/Jslideshow.jar should do the trick if you have the Sun Java Runtime Environment. 3) Jslideshow should work, sort of, at this point. It will be able to do everything except actually assemble a final video. Finish the installation by installing all dependencies (see DEPENDENCIES). 4) The included icon may be used to create a desktop icon for easy access to Slides 2 Video. III) LINUX DEPENDENCIES This program is dependent on the following command line utilities. a) ImageMagick (composite, mogrify, convert, identify) b) FFMPEG (ffmpeg) INSTALLING IMAGEMAGICK Installing ImageMagick should be as simple as installing the imagemagick package supplied with your distribution. INSTALLING FFMPEG Installing ffmpeg might be as simple as installing the ffmpeg package supplied with your distribution. However, if your distribution is Debian-based or is like Debian, the provided ffmpeg package will not include any encoding features that rely on non-free software. This includes the ability to use mp3s and create Flash video. You may try using the package supplied by your distribution. You will probably be able to create DVD-compatible videos. But if you have problems doing everything you want to do, don't be surprised. Here's how to compile ffmpeg from source under a Debian-based system. NOTE: The names of the packages may vary from one distribution to another. For example, libfaad-dev library is called libfaad2-dev in Ubuntu Gutsy. The names used below are those for Ubuntu Hardy. 1) Enable universe and multiverse repositories. NOTE: This is the default in Ubuntu Hardy. 2) Open a terminal (console) and type the following commands. 3) Get build tools: sudo apt-get install checkinstall build-essential subversion 4) Get ffmpeg sources: cd /usr/local/src sudo svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg 5) Get the necessary libraries: sudo apt-get install liblame-dev libfaad-dev libfaac-dev libxvidcore4-dev liba52-0.7.4 liba52-0.7.4-dev libvorbis-dev libpng12-dev 6) Configure. From sudo ./configure to --disable-vhook is all one line. cd ffmpeg sudo ./configure --enable-gpl --enable-libvorbis --enable-liba52 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libfaad --enable-libfaac --enable-libxvid --enable-pthreads --disable-vhook --disable-debug 7) Compile: sudo make This may take a while. 8) Create and install the .deb package: sudo checkinstall If this command does not install the package, then sudo dpkg -i ffmpeg******.deb where ******* is replaced by the version number given to the package. NOTES: a) If sudo does not work for you, omit the sudo and issue these commands as root. b) the build-essential package is only for debian-based distributions. If your distribution is RPM based, you need to have compilers installed (gcc, g++, g77, etc.) and a make environment (GNU make) at the very least. c) In fact, all the commands and/or packages in steps 1-5 will be different for different distributions. If any of the lib* packages is unavailable under your distribution, you may download the code and compile from scratch. See section VIII) for download URLs. d) Step 8 can be replaced by "sudo make install" or just "make install" issued as root. e) In step 5), libxvidcore4-dev is optional. If not installed, also remove --enable-libxvid from the command in step 6). IV) WINDOWS INSTALLATION 1) Before installing the jslideshow package, install Cygwin and Java. This must be done first. See WINDOWS DEPENDENCIES. Then come back here. 2) Download the CygwinFilesX.X.tar.gz package from Sourceforge. Click on the Sourceforge link on the Slides 2 Video (Jslideshow) webpage or go directly to Place it in your Cygwin directory--the default is c:\cygwin\. 3) Start Cygwin Bash Shell. 4) In the shell, type cd / and hit Enter. 5) Type tar -xzvf CygwinFilesX.X.tar.gz and again hit Enter. You should see a long list of files appear as they are unpackaged. If you do not, then it did not work. Try again! 6) That's it for that. You may close Cygwin. 7) To run Jslideshow, double-click the Jslideshow icon in the c:\cygwin\usr\local\Jslideshow\ folder. You may also create a shortcut to this icon on your desktop for easier access. V) WINDOWS DEPENDENCIES This program is dependent on Cygwin and Sun Java. These MUST be installed in order for Slides 2 Video to function. This section describes how to install Java and Cygwin. Additionally, please consider installing VLC if you find that your media player does not play your videos properly. VLC is optional, but highly recommended. INSTALLING CYGWIN 1) Download the Cygwin setup program from 2) Run the setup program. 3) Click "Next >" to begin. 4) Select "Install from Internet" and click "Next >". 5) Choose a root directory. c:\cygwin is recommended, and this installation guide will assume you have chosen c:\cygwin for your root directory. Also, stick with the recommended options below ("All users" and "Unix/binary"). Click "Next >". 6) Select any directory for local packages. c:\cyginstall is a short and easy to remember choice. Click "Next >". 7) Select your Internet Connection and click "Next >". If you don't know what to choose here, just accept the default. 8) Choose a download site. This may be the trickiest part of the install. Ideally, you will pick one that gives you a fast connection (unless you're using dial-up in which case it won't matter much). generally works well in the Northeastern United States. In any case, just pick one and see what happens. Click "Next >". If it takes more than about 10 or 15 seconds to get to the "Select Packages" screen, go back and select another download site. 9) Open the "Graphics" branch (by clicking on the "plus" sign next to the word Graphics). Click on the "Skip" icon next to the "ImageMagick" package. It should be the second one down. Close the "Graphics" branch (by clicking the "minus" sign). 10) Open the "Libs" branch (by clicking on the "plus" sign next to the word Libs). Click on the "Skip" icon next to the "libvorbis-dev" package. Click "Next >". If you get a message about unmet dependencies, that's OK. Just click "Next >". 11) That's it. The setup program will automatically complete the download and install. If you have chosen a reasonably fast download site, the installation should complete in about 15 minutes. If not, it could be hours! INSTALLING JAVA Download the Sun Java Runtime Environment from and follow the installation instructions there. This can be done while Cygwin is installing. INSTALLING VLC Dowlnoad the installer from and run it. VI) UPGRADING To upgrade a Linux installation, just upgrade the Jslideshow or Jslideshow-bytecode package by writing over the previous version. There is no need to upgrade the dependencies. To upgrade a Windows installation, download the Jslideshow-bytecode and Jslideshow packages, and save them to c:\cygwin\usr\local\. Also download the CygwinFiles package, but only if it has been updated since the last upgrade or installation. These files will not be updated with each release. Then 1) Start Cygwin Bash Shell. 2) In the shell, type cd /usr/local and hit Enter. 3) Type tar -xzvf Jslideshow-bytecodeX.X.tar.gz tar -xzvf JslideshowX.X.tar.gz cp Jslideshow-bytecode/Jslideshow.jar Jslideshow where you will replace the X.X with the downloaded version number, and hit Enter after each line. 4) If you downloaded the CygwinFiles package, follow instructions 2)-5) of the installation to install them. VII) COPYRIGHT Jslideshow Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Leon Q. Brin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. VIII) NOTES Source code and licenses for the software in the CygwinFiles.tar.gz archive can be downloaded from their respective sources: 1) ffmpeg ( 2) liba52 ( 3) libfaac and libfaad ( 4) libmp3lame (